Here’s comes the first Newsletter of the New Year! Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year. A new year, a fresh start, new challenges and definitely a year to sparkle. January was an exciting time, signs of things to come in the New Year!
Launching the business models report
On Wednesday, 22nd January, the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO), at an event at UNCTAD in Geneva, launched a major new report on business models. The report, an accompanying video and other information is available at http://wfto.com/jointhebusinessrevolution . This report was launched during the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos because the focus of WEF 2020 is ‘stakeholder capitalism’. As Fair Trade organizations, our mission-led models of enterprise have already pioneered the most inclusive version of this idea. We want the world to be inspired by what were already doing.
Design workshop with Naquashi artisans in Paper Mache’ craft at New Delhi
A design development workshop was organized for the Paper Mache’ artisans from Srinagar, Kashmir at the YWCA, New Delhi from 5-9 January. A new range of hand- painted Papier Mache, Wooden utility products and Christmas decorations were developed by the skilled artisans from the Paper Mache cluster of Srinagar. The collection showcases yet another dimension to Sasha’s application of traditional techniques which is anchored in contextualising traditional craft in a contemporary and unique way. The activity is under The Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery Project (JTFRP). Sarba Shanti Ayog (SSA), Sasha’s development organization is undertaking a end-to-end cluster development project in Srinagar, Kashmir in collaboration with the Government of Kashmir, supported by the World Bank in India to promote the Paper Mache’ craft.

The colourful world of Corals at Sasha Shop
Coral reefs are the most diverse of all marine ecosystems; they teem with life. They come in myriad colours – from light or golden brown, to blue, green or rusty orange & even red. At Sasha, we a curated delightful collection of clothing & accessories, home & kitchenware, toys, gifts & candles in the hues of the colours of the Corals. It is a colourful reminder, of the bountiful beauty of nature; of immense value to humankind. The event was inaugurated on 18th January 2020 by noted environment and food activist Dr. Anshuman Das. He stressed on the importance of individual commitment & collective community action for protecting, preserving & sustaining the environment. Dr. Das shared several important aspects of environment conservation and about his work on food security, nutrition and organic movement through Bhoomi-ka. His session was appreciated by each one present.

Sasha CEO, Roopa Mehta at the annual Noon Day SHINE Conference

Community. Connection. Purpose. A tangible way to be a part of poverty alleviation and with women around the globe on the same journey. The annual SHINE Conference is a great opportunity for Noonday Ambassadors to meet a few of Artisan Partners, enjoy an amazing speaker line-up and business development training, connect with other Ambassadors, and celebrate our collective impact with the best dance party you’ve ever seen. Sasha is one of the few important Artisan partners of Noonday in Asia. Ambassador Amber Hesgard recapped her SHINE 2020 experience on the Flourish Blog: http://bit.ly/2umODv8
Exploration of the Wastewater treatment plant at Phulia
SSA is implementing a project based on a long-term vision of creating such an eco-system that envisages addressing the technology gaps in crafts sector leading to setting up of an accessible, active and sustainable platform. Through interventions highlight the critical technological needs, develop & pilot affordable, manageable and appropriate technology-based solutions.
The geographical scope of the project is pan-India, but specifically focused on selected crafts based on feasibility, specifically in the areas of:
- Production process & productivity
- Waste management; occupational health and safety
- Environmental sustainability; alternate & clean energy.
The SSA team members Karobi Chowdhury and Abhijit Sarkar visited the Phulia textile waste water effluent treatment plant (ETP) built under the aegis of Govt. of India and Govt. of West Bengal on 9th January’2020. The ETP facility is located within Samabay Sadan premise near Phulia railway station in Nadia district. The Samabay Sadan premise has three cooperatives having their separate dyeing and washing units and office buildings. All the waste water comes at the common water effluent treatment plant. The treated water is being collected at large concrete tanks for re -using for production. The ETP is centrally located behind the Tangail Tantujibi Unnayan Samabay Samity Ltd. The facility has being installed in December’2013 and is being running regularly. Phulia ETP facility is capable of treating two thousand litres of water per day. SSA is motivating weavers to use the facility.

Exciting times coming up in February! Sasha is participating in the upcoming Kalaghoda Arts Festival and NYNOW Winter Market 2020. Rooh will be at Kalaghoda for the first time. The Fair Trade Fair 2020 Kolkata is announced.
Check this space in the coming months for all the details of the exciting moments captured specially for you.
That’s all folks!